Vertical divider Specialty Welding, Inc., Moses Lake, Washington

Mobile Call Link
Phone:(509) 765-4161  Fax: (509) 766-2860
13752 N Frontage Rd E (physical)
P.O. Box 1101 (mail)
Moses Lake, WA 98837
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Contact Us


Waterjet Cutting

Plasma Cutting

Structural and

Shafts and Rolls

Pipe Fabrication

Vessel Repair

Field Installations

Plant Equipment

Piping Systems

Custom metal palm tree landscape decor

Registered Trademark of Specialty Welding, Inc.

What We Offer

Our company provides metal fabrication and repair services for manufacturing plants, chemical producers, food processors and many other types of customers.  We are pipe and structural steel fabricators, but also produce a wide variety of other fabricated metal products for clients located across North America. Our services include:
  • General construction services
  • Custom parts fabrication
  • Equipment repair
  • Pipe fabrication
  • Aluminum welding
  • Stainless steel fabrication
  • Exotic alloy welding
  • Pressure vessel repair
  • Structural steel fabrication
  • Decorative metal products
  • Waterjet cutting services
  • Plasma cutting services
  • Rigging and hoisting
  • Equipment installation
  • Plant maintenance and repair
Our 20,000 square foot production floor is well equipped, and staffed with a team of qualified craftsmen, operating under the leadership of experienced supervisors,  estimators and project managers.

Whether you need a simple part, or want to expand your industrial operation, Specialty Welding, Inc. is ready and able to provide a full range of services to fulfill your work requirements. References are available upon request.

Norco Gas

Gas Separation Facility

Pictured above is Norco's Gas Separation Plant "Cold Box", which was fabricated, transported and erected by Specialty Welding, Inc. 
This 125' tall unit was built horizontally in our shop, then hauled to the customer's site and hoisted to a vertical position. It is a key component in this production facility, which makes compressed oxygen, nitrogen and argon from ambient air.
Modular units for other applications can also be fabricated in smaller sections, thereby allowing transport to any destination.

Click here to view a .pdf presentation of our company and this project. Need a .pdf viewer? Get it here free: Adobe Acrobat Reader

Plasma Cutting Services
AISC Certified
ISNetworld Certified
ASME Certified R Stamp for Boiler
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© 2015 Specialty Welding, Inc.

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